Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thought you'd be interested in seeing this. It's from the political ticker on CNN.

"(CNN) — Before he delivered his victory speech on Tuesday night in Chicago, President-elect Barack Obama took a call and bowed his head in prayer. Dr. Joel Hunter, pastor of Northland Church in Orlando, Florida and Otis Moss Jr. from Mount Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio joined him in that prayer.
Speaking with CNN today by phone, Dr. Hunter says the prayer was intensely personal and private but did say “I prayed for his family and for him and for the country. I had no agenda other than trying to create an environment in which he felt the presence and could receive wisdom from God.” Dr. Hunter, a conservative evangelical who delivered a prayer at the Democratic National Convention this summer, says the President-elect “…feels the weight of this responsibility. He [Obama] doesn’t take upon himself of having to have all the answers but he certainly realizes the huge challenges this nation faces. He feels the personal weight of the potential to guide us through these difficult times. I don’t think he’s oppressed by it though.” Dr. Hunter says he thinks it set in for Obama last night and led to the sober tone of the victory speech.
Evangelicals have long been a force in American politics but many wondered with the defeat of Sen. John McCain what role they will play in the Obama administration. Eric Sapp is one of the founders of The Eleison Group which works specifically with Democratic campaigns to mobilize Christian voters he says, “There is a new generation of white evangelicals. They are less partisan and it all plays to Barack Obama’s favor.” Sapp puts Hunter in that category and thinks the Obama administration will be inclusive of evangelicals. “I think it’s an early indication of the way he’s going to govern. For something as personal as who he wants praying for him is a good indicator of how he wants to be president.”
For Hunter, it wasn’t the first time the two men had prayed together and says the prayer before Obama's speech Tuesday night was in keeping with the next president's character, “Obama is a big picture person. His big picture includes God and he wanted to do that as it’s just the right thing to do at that moment.”

Yesterday, when I went into the polling booth I prayed. ( I also made a lot of people mad because I took so long :)) I prayed for God to take our country in to his hands. Regardless for whom you voted, It doesn't matter who I voted for, Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States. Last night history was made. I sat at home with James and cried like a little girl as I watched his victory speech. I've been scared in my country for at least the last 5 years. I hope and pray that this is the change we need, and I'm not the only one. Over 62 million people also had that same idea. He wasn't elected BECAUSE he's black, he wasn't elected because he's a socialist (which he's not), he wasn't elected because we're all stupid, he was elected because people want change, they want hope...hope that it will get better. Can he do it? hopefully. I pray that WE can. Americans. It involves all of us, believing and working towards the same cause: Making this country as great as we know it can be.


Heather said...

I too will continue to pray for our country and it's leaders.

I don't think Obama won because he is black, but I do think that he garnered thousands of votes merely on that fact alone. Some people completely overlooked their personal beliefs in order to put an african-american in the white house. And I don't agree with that.

I am amazed at the closeness of the race. Yes, over 60 million people voted for Obama, and over 55 million voted for McCain. I just hope that now that everything is over, Obama can find a way to unite the country. I pray that things will change, and for the better.

holly d said...

I love you!! I could not have said it better myself. I'm going to quote part of what you said in my blog. Let me know if you don't want me to.

Aaron said...

I got an email that said he's a radical muslim terrorist. They backed it up with facts from Wikipedia and everything. It was from the brother of his uncle's ex-wife. Explain that. Yasko.