Friday, April 07, 2006

black and white

it's friday! I haven't posted in a while...sorry! Not that any of you have been hanging on to what new clever thing i might say. James is the clever one. i can be, but i'm probably more witty than clever ( is there a difference?), in that i can generally come up with snide comments fairly quickly, not something i'm that proud of, but it comes in handy sometimes.

For the record, i would like to say that i picked Florida to win the Championship. thank you!

James has been gone for a week (tear) so i haven't had the computer or even access to one. He's been in Houston for a conference and as of right now he's in Cooperstown, N.Y. for his third and hopefully final interview at the Baseball Hall of Fame! So up until now i've been totally okay, well, considering. But, as of right now i'm officially freaking~!!!!!
So instead of staying in Abilene, i decided to go see my brother in Dallas, so at least i can freak out around people that i know, and who know me...and won't judge me...too much...

i miss my husband and i miss my dogs

i don't have any pics here so i can't post any,

work was rough today, i feel like i'm getting dumber by the minute working there. It's mindless tasks, nothing challenges my brain, i have to read so much at home just to keep my brain functioning sub par.

maybe i'm crazy, nah!

i need to change clothes,
more later........

1 comment:

James Y said...

Ahhh. The feel of labor. The cleansing pain of back-breaking work. The salty-sweet taste of sweat poring from your forehead. The rich metallic taste of the blood that splatters your face from another's brow. This is what makes life worthwhile...