Saturday, April 29, 2006

boston common

Today might have been one of the most important days in James' professional life, and he was amazing. We got up this morning around 6 in order to meet his panel by 7:15a.m. I had the most expensive bowl of strawberries and blueberries that I've ever had in my life in the restaurant of the Sheraton Hotel. Had I known it was going to be that bad, i would have stopped at Starbuck's on my way. Anyway, James' session " Podcasting in Museums" started at 9 and there were probably 250 there, filling the Grand Ballroom, at lest 3/4 full. He had numerous people come up to him afterward to compliment him. One guy told him that he was "an innovative a good way." I'm not sure how that could be bad...but maybe being funny is considered innovative in a museum setting...who know!
After that we went to have coffee with James' advisor from O.U. and then we went to meet some people from Cooperstown for lunch.
After going back to the hotel to change and catch a cat nap, we headed to the Boston Commons and the Freedom Trail. There was a beautiful park there and we had dinner at the pub in the good!!
We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, so we came back early...
Gonna see my new house tomorrow~!!!!
Having a great time here, but i miss my puppies!
love ya....
more later...

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